As is typical of this time of year I have been in a bit of a funk. This seems to be a common theme amongst the locals this time of year. Well I have decided to take this challenge head on. I declare "Bring on the Funk"! I am determined to win this time around. Diet, training, sleeping well and great tunes will be my weapons in my battle against the winter Funk.
This week marks the beginning of my rebellion. The day has to start off with the proper fuel. I have decide that my daily fuel intake will start with coffee, hot oatmeal (my grandpa ate it everyday, so its gotta be good), a fruit yogurt smoothie (ingredients to follow) and something I am stealing from SQW, ginger tea. I should be off to a good start with all this.
Next up is daily training. Doesnt matter what it is but I gotta get in something everyday. This may involve me getting back into the pool a little sooner than planned but thats ok. The foot is getting better but we cant let it help out mother nature. Good core routine as well as some weights I think this winter. Improove the power output a bit for next spring.
Ah lack of sleep! My life long nemesis we meet once again. This is the year I will conquer you! I will no longer be a slave to your oppressive regime. By the spring I will no longer declare I am tired when someone asks how I am feeling.
As for good tunes. I am fully hooked up in that department. I may have a dinosaur of a computer but I have the webninja to hook me up in that department. He safely keeps well over 35000 songs in his secret underwater base. One quick call and the Ipod is fully loaded with brand new tracks.
I am all packed and ready for battle.
"Bring on the Funk"