Thursday, November 16, 2006


Well it appears my attempt to get my training going again stalled. I had the best of intentions but that didnt seem to be enough. I am ready to have a go at things again though. Em and I jsut got back from Vancouver where we had gone to celebrate Issac's 3rd birthday. The trip was a lot of fun and I managed to get in my first run in about six weeks. Em and I did a nice 25min run through Stanley Park in the rain. It rained pretty much the whole time we were there. I keep jokeing that I have never seen the mountains when I have been in Van and you know what I am going to have to wait till my next trip.
I have fit in two workouts since being home which is a good sign. I had spin class on wednesdday night and just got back from a short 20min run. My foot didnt feel so great tonight though. I could start to feel the bone hitting again. Oh well I will stick to the plan of trying to run 20min three times a week and see how it goes. I also want to start to swim again which is a good sign. I think I will just ease into that before the holidays and then committ to it sull in the new year. Weights and core work will also start to be part of the regular routine.
It is almost 9pm so I better go eat some supper.

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