Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Recovery Points

It is the most important and most often forgotten part of most training plans.

I am kicking myself right now because I am starting to feel warn down and really shouldn't be with the amount of work I am doing. A little fatigue is expected but last night I was bagged and had to drag myself to the gym. So as I lay in bed this morning trying to squeeze in a few more Zs I realized that I had dropped the ball on my recovery.

I have decided to try and implement something SQW and his buddies are doing out west. I read about it in one of his blog posts a while back but just never got around to implementing it.

The idea "Recovery Points".
The following list of activities will each have a Recovery Point Score.

Massage 3 Points
The Stick 1 Point
TP Massage 1 Point
Regen Exer. 1 Point
MP Exer. 1 Point
Cold Shower 1 Point
Sauna 1 Point
Hot Tub 1 Point

The goal for each day is to accumulate a score of 3 or greater.

The other element of this will be getting 8 hours of sleep every night. I am not great at napping unless I am totally exhausted and I can't afford to get to that point. So 8 hours a night will be the goal.

I am amazed that I haven't already implemented this as I am regularly telling customers that all there improvements come not from there training but from the recovery afterward.

Todays score so far 1 Point for The Stick.

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