Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Treadmills, Trainers and lots of Snow

Well this weekend wasn't too much fun training wise.

We got a ton of snow over the weekend. To stay on top of the white stuff I had to shoveled in bursts to try and limit the effect on my back and arms. I think I ended up heading out to shovel 3 or 4 times and picked the shovel up on my way out to do other things a few times to stay on top of it.

There was still too much snow on the roads to run outside on Sunday so I headed to the gym to try and get my long run it. I was a little nervous about how 90min on the tready would go. The first 30min wasn't too bad but then the boredom set in. It was one of those session where you are checking your watch every 90 sec. Yikes! I got through it though.

Monday didn't bring any relief from the boredom of indoor training. Monday nights workout was 120min on the trainer. I used the old Action Flic trick to get through this one. I rented Shooter figuring it wouldn't have to much of a plot since it starred Mark Walberg. I have to say thank you to Mark since it got me through the 2 hours with little difficulty. Nice to have the 2hour session firmly in hand before ramping things up.

This is where I have been slacking so this kind of puts me back on track with my New Years goals.

Christmas is only 7 days away. Looking forward to some good eats.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Fitness is building

Walking from the pool to work the other morning I realised that my fitness is building.
It is always hard this time a year to have confidence that the training you are doing is enough or appropriate. The key though is to not overreach. You can't go hard all year round and expect to improve and this my friends is not the time for hard.
Right now the focus is consistency always keeping in mind the need to stay healthy. Being off sick for two weeks sets you back four to six. My consistency has been a bit off but I have fought off a couple colds and keep getting a little bit fitter each week. So all in all I am winning the battle.
With all the colds and flu that float around this time a year it is even more important to pay attention to sleep and eating. Working in retail I often feel bombarded with germs. There isn't much I can do to avoid it other than washing my hands regularly. If you can avoid getting sick you increase your chances of staying consistent.

A little update of where I am at with a couple things.

Long continuous swim is at 2000m.
Long Ride is now 2 hours (trainer).
Long Run is now up 84min.

I am more or less on track for my New Years Goals.
Riding has been a bit behind but so long as I can progress from here I will be on track.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Winter is back.

Well it's official! Winter is back!

That white stuff is everywhere. I guess the weather people in all their infinite wisdom are calling for a colder than normal winter this year. What the hell does that mean? I have no idea what normal is anymore. Last year we were still riding outside in December.

Yesterday was the first run in the snow. Em and I headed out after spending quite a few hours purging stuff from our den. Man does it feel good to be organized. Order makes everything seem so much more possible. Oops back to that run. Pace times are out the window now until the footing improves a bit. I think I ended up running around 7min/km. It was nice to be out none the less.

There is an excellent article that Alan Couzens has written on his blog. I recommend checking it out. There is actually a lot of great advise on his site.

Christmas is now only a few weeks away. I am really looking forward to having both our families together again. It will be the first Christmas officially as family. I can't wait for all the good food and good times.

Things are still looking good for hitting the training milestones to start the new year. A little behind on the bike but I should be able to still pull it off.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Are those gills?

After missing a few sessions in the pool for various reasons I was apprehensive about trying to get in my long continuous swim yesterday. The plan was to do 2km continuous. Well I am happy to say it went really well.
After I loosened up, the first 1km went really well and I was coming in consistently 5-10s under 2min/100m. I slowed down over the final 1km and finished up coming in on about 2min/100m. I still have a few more 2km swims planned before I start to increase the distance after Christmas so I should be super comfortable at that distance before raising the bar again.
It feels really good to have my swimming under control so early. This is a part of the last Ironman I totally underestimated. I can't wait to exit the water this time feeling ready to rock the rest of the race.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

six and a half hours in the rain

I hope my return trip from Windsor yesterday wasn't a sign of things to come. We went down to what some refer to as the "Armpit" of Ontario to visit some close friends. It rained the whole way home which made a long drive even longer. It was worth the trip though. It is always great to spend time with good friends.

Not much to report on the training front. Last week was pretty light with being away. Still got in my long run. Things have stalled a little so over the next couple weeks I am going to just focus on getting in a complete week of training. I want to go into the holidays on a positive note. Then the real fun begins and I will embark on a no excuses phase until race day.

If you saw Talledaga Nights and follow Cyclocross then you should get a kick out of this photo I came across on Pez. Made me laugh.

Click here if you can't read the text.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

On a lighter note!

I just came across some very interesting facts today while waisting time on the internet.

Where and when did the beer mile originate and who was the first to complete one?

The truth is no one knows for sure. It's "invention" was not dissimilar to the invention of calculus, where it was rumored that Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Sir Isaac Newton developed the notion independent of each other in the late 17th century. Like calculus, the concept was not necessarily an invention, but more of a discovery. It was inevitable that beer miling would surface, and because of that, multiple parties can claim they were the first to dance with the demon known as the "chunder" mile.

The roots of the beer mile family tree can accurately be traced back to parts of Florida and New England college campuses in the U.S., Hash House Harrier events in Indonesia, and to many places (most notably Ontario) in Canada. The earliest documented races (whose records still exist today) occurred in the late 1980's and early 1990's. Legendary stories spread of a mysteriously brutal event, though many details were lost in the telling of the stories. Rules were approximated and a race of more than 5 people at once was a rarity. With the emergence of the internet and instant digital communication, information was shared and rules became more consistent in the early 1990's.

The first known set of rules to be posted in a public place was by a group in Kingston, Ontario where beer-miling had taken place regulary for a few years. Since many beer milers elsewhere were competitive, they took it upon themselves to indoctrinate the Kingston rules into their own festivities. And so, the set known as the "Kingston Rules" was born.

For more info on this wonderful tradition check out.

I think I have found my next race after Ironman.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Challenge your mind!

Challenge your mind and how you see the world.

Check out TED Talks!

35 Weeks to go!

I thought we should start with a little reality check this week.

Like I said in my last post I am happy in general with how things are going. I have however let a few crucial components slip over the past few months.

1. Nutrition
2. Stretching
3. Sleep

Without getting these things right my progress is guaranteed to be slowed. So the focus for this week will be to improve in those three areas as well as get my riding a bit more consistent.

The New Year is approaching and I have set some interim goals to reach to start the New Year.

The basic week I am trying to start the New Year with is as follows.

Sun - 90 min Long Run, 60 min Swim
Mon - 150 min Long Ride, 30 min Core
Tues - 60 min Swim, 60 min Weights
Wed - 60 min Ride, 30 min Run
Thurs - 2km Continuous Swim, 30 min Core
Fri - 45 min Easy Run, 60 min Weights
Sat - 90 min Ride

Right now I am on track with the exception of my riding. This is a little strange for me but right now of the three sports the swimming and running are my limiters. I think if in the next two weeks I can get my long ride back up to where I planned I will be right on track.

Friday, November 16, 2007

You win some you lose some

I am staying ahead of the game with my swim mileage which is fantastic. I am to the point where I feel like I can spend a little time on technique now. I have already gotten my long continuous swim up to 1900m. The original plan was to be a 2000m by the New Year which would require me to add 100m a week and be able to get in 4 x 4k before my taper. Now I am going to be able to sit and absorb the 2km distance for a few weeks before adding to it and use one of the other days to focus on technique.

My biking has been lacking lately. Partly because I still haven't been feeling 100%. It is always hard this time of year to get motivated to ride inside. I am still trying to do at least part of my workout.

Running has been neither good or bad. I am getting in the workouts but my legs don't feel great. I am still getting less and less calf soreness with each run. I will be doing 70min Sunday so I am still moving forward. Haven't seen an improvement in pace times lately. Seem to be stuck between 5:30s and 5:45s. Thats fine for now. I still have lots of time and am sure once my calves have fully adjusted I should see a big improvement.

Time to find some external motivation. Doesn't matter what it is just have to keep the train moving toward the station.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Off to a good start this week.

SQW racked up another victory this weekend winning the ITU World Cup in Cancun. Way to go buddy!!! Looking forward to seeing you later this month.

Quick update of my training. I struggled over a few more hurdles last week and ended up logging a couple more zeros. Yesterday I decided enough is enough and forced myself back at it. I think it was a good decision as I put in two excellent workouts. I did a 60min run on the trails at Lemoine's Point and then had a solid swim later in the day. The swim really showed me that I am making some great progress in the pool. I managed to get in 2500m in an hour which equals the most I have ever done in 60min. To make it even better I felt more or less in control the whole time, something I have struggled with when sets include pieces longer than 200 or 300m. I am starting to almost look forward to next years swim. Since my endurance in the water is progressing so fast I think I might even be able to dedicate some time to technique.

This week is off to a good start so lets hope I can keep it rolling. Long ride and core are scheduled for today. Hopefully the ride can be done outside.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Work, sickness, relationships, family. These things all throw hurdles our way while we strive to achieve our goals. Most recently I have been hurdling work and the beginnings of a cold.

I am always amazed at how fast these things can make you question everything you are doing. As my last post suggests things were rolling along smoothly on Monday morning and I was feeling great about how my training was progressing. Then the first hurdle popped up. I have been fighting back a cold for a couple weeks but it just wouldn't seem to go away but wasn't affecting my training either.

Monday was a different story. My energy level just kind of bottomed out. Then the second hurdle, work. As usual I had been putting off getting store paperwork caught up and it ended up catching up with me. Government submissions are not one you want to be late on. Monday turned into a paperwork day with "NO" training. Goodbye long ride and core.

Tuesday still not finished paperwork and energy level still rock bottom. Hmmm! This sucks! The questions begin to role through my mind. How am I going to make up for this? I am now so far behind? Amazing how quickly it happens. Only two days lost and I am already starting to worry. To make this more laughable it was at the beginning of a recovery period. Log a couple zeros and move on I say.

Wednesday I manage to get in an easy spin on the trainer and start to feel a little better. Then this morning I put in a great swim despite waking up tired and not feeling very energetic. I did a 1500m continuos long swim at sub 2min/100m pace. This puts me a fair bit ahead of schedule in the pool. This is where I really start to laugh at myself. Tuesday I am all worried over nothing and Thursday I find myself ahead of schedule and cleanly over the first couple of hurdles thrown my way.

Stick to the plan, don't second guess and don't try and make up for lost workouts.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I hate poaching from other blogs but this is awesome!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fall is here.

Nothing to exciting to report. I have been logging the hours and trying to fit everything in. I missed two sessions this past week one swim and one core. The pool was closed so that one wasn't my fault. All in all I feel good about how things went.

I think my body is starting to absorb the work that I am doing. That after all is what we are looking for isn't it. Not just getting the training in but causing our bodies to respond and get stronger from what we are doing.

I had a couple interesting discussions with people last week over what motivates me to do something like Ironman. I am always interested in what comes out of my mouth when asked questions like these. I am going to try and sit down this week and get what motivates me down on paper. I will post my thoughts once I have them collected in a coherent manner.

The weather here has finally decided to resemble fall. Over the weekend the trees decided to drop most of there leaves. I have now been forced inside for two rides which will mean I now have to swap out my trainer tire everytime I want to ride outside (today). If only I could afford an SRM or a second Power Tap.

I have been trying out a new trainer by Blackburn which so far I am pretty happy with. Here is there description of how it works.
"CENTRIFORCE provides resistance based on speed and acceleration, which allows it to feel hard when you're pushing it, but as soon as you back off, the resistance drops far more dramatically than with mag or fluid, allowing for a smooth feel that's more like riding on a flat road.”
This thing is ultra smooth and very quiet. I think it may be the best none electronic trainer on the market. You can check out PezCycling News for a great review.

Today is day 16 of my 16-5 training cycle and I am not looking for a break which is a great sign. I think the decision to go to this format was a good one. It is going to improve the consistency and quality of my workouts over the long haul.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Is it Monday again already?

It is amazing how time slips by when your days are filled with training and work.

This last cycle of training had its highs and lows.

I have been fighting off a cold which meant skipping out on a couple workouts. Not too worried about this since two of them were bike workouts that would have been done on the trainer. That is a place I am not quite ready to go yet.

On a more positive note things have continued to progress with my running. It seems like I can now consistently run 5:45/km or faster and stay in my base zones. I still have a long way to my goal pace but I am happy with my rate of progression.

I had a great swim on Thursday. I was suppose to do 800m continuous as part of the workout and ended up feeling good enough to make it an even 1km. One goal for this year is to increase my confidence with my swimming. This 1km early is going to help out a lot as it puts me a couple weeks ahead of schedule. The better I feel exiting the water on race day regardless of time the faster I should end up finishing the race. I want to feel fresh, fresh, fresh when I enter T1. The key to success is maximizing your run potential.

My cold seems to be under control so it shouldn't be hard to get in everything this week. Looking forward to feeling solid again during my workouts.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Two Great Workouts Yesterday

This post is going to be short.

After being kept up late by Homecoming Party Noise Sat night I managed to put together two solid workouts yesterday.

Workout #1
60min run @ 5:45/km just over 10km total.

Running is progressing nicely and should lead to a big improvement in my time in July. I am really happy with my progress.

Workout #2
50min swim 100m/200m/300m/400m/400m/300m/200m/100m
@ sub 2min/100 pace

The decision to swim on my own is working out really well. I am a lot farther ahead of where I was two years ago at this time a year. My long continuous swim will be 800m this week.

I am pretty tired today and not looking forward to 180min on the bike but I am sure that will change once I get out there.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Typical training templates are based around a 4 week cycle. Build for 3 weeks and back off for one. Usually if a plan is well written you will even see small builds within each week. This, however, is not the only way to do it. The reason we so often see this being used is because most of us live our lives by the seven day work week.

What I have decided to do with my schedule is base my training on a 3 week cycle. This doesn't mean 2 on and 1 off though. What I am doing is 16 days on then 5 off. What this allows me to do is take advantage of my weekends. If you look a my basic week it stays the same whether I am in a rest phase or a work phase. I just lower the volume accordingly during my 5 days off. Since both of my long workouts fall on "my" weekend then these are never left out of the plan. The 5 off days are always Tues-Sat.

Today was the last day of my 5 off days. I have to say that I feel like I have recovered nicely and am looking forward to building things up again. The one thing that I have really noticed is that by working with this 16-5 plan I have gotten a mental break before I felt like I needed it. With the onset of winter and indoor training not far off I think this plan is going to keep me a lot fresher through the winter months.

I have been fighting a bit of a cold the past week but seem to be keeping it in check with a few home remedies. It seems to be sticking to me head and throat so I haven't felt the effects much in training. I did back things off a bit more than planned the last few days to help give my body a bit more energy to fight off the cold. There have also been a few added stresses from other parts of life that have definitely sapped some of my energy. Some of that has been taken care off so hopefully I can maintain my energy and focus going into the next 16 day phase.

I am really looking forward to tomorrows long run. It will be interesting to see how I feel running after a little rest.

Oh ya Hawaii is today. Best of luck to Mike Neill. Hopefully some day I will get to know how it feels to race on the Big Island.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Sub 6

Well it seems that something has changed with my running this last week. Mark and Gordo's advice on keeping it long and slow is working so far. With the exception of a few hills, all of my runs have been under 6min pace and sub 155HR (base zone). I am trying to get a little stronger running when things kick upward and so I am letting my HR creep up a bit when the incline does but keeping it under 165.

Despite not always being rested I have been able to get through each session with out too much difficulty. Usually the long ride of the week is the toughest. This is most likely due to weights Friday night followed by ride Saturday Morning, Long Run Sunday Morning then Long Ride. The legs are always pretty tired come Monday morning but that doesn't stop me from turning the cranks. In a week or two I think I might try and cap the amount I am lifting in the gym for a week or two and see how that effects my long rides.

This was the big turkey weekend and I managed to eat normally which is great. It is so easy to go overboard when you sit down in front of a big pile of tasty food. I did indulge in a second serving of carrot cake though. My father in law made it but thats not the reason I had a second piece. It was moist and just melted in your mouth. I almost snuck a third piece while no one was looking.

The next five days are recovery. With the exception of my long swim on Thursday I am just going to try and go through the motions and not exert myself too much. I am going to reduce the weights in the gym as well. Things are progressing well and it is smarter to back off and absorb what I have done the last two weeks then to push it.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Recovery Points

It is the most important and most often forgotten part of most training plans.

I am kicking myself right now because I am starting to feel warn down and really shouldn't be with the amount of work I am doing. A little fatigue is expected but last night I was bagged and had to drag myself to the gym. So as I lay in bed this morning trying to squeeze in a few more Zs I realized that I had dropped the ball on my recovery.

I have decided to try and implement something SQW and his buddies are doing out west. I read about it in one of his blog posts a while back but just never got around to implementing it.

The idea "Recovery Points".
The following list of activities will each have a Recovery Point Score.

Massage 3 Points
The Stick 1 Point
TP Massage 1 Point
Regen Exer. 1 Point
MP Exer. 1 Point
Cold Shower 1 Point
Sauna 1 Point
Hot Tub 1 Point

The goal for each day is to accumulate a score of 3 or greater.

The other element of this will be getting 8 hours of sleep every night. I am not great at napping unless I am totally exhausted and I can't afford to get to that point. So 8 hours a night will be the goal.

I am amazed that I haven't already implemented this as I am regularly telling customers that all there improvements come not from there training but from the recovery afterward.

Todays score so far 1 Point for The Stick.

Monday, October 01, 2007

17 C Partly Cloudy Wind S 26km/hr

What more inspiration than the nice weather could you want this time of year. Sunny warm and dry. I don't know if what we are getting in the way weather is normal or not but I am not about to start complaining. It is simply a treat to be able to be riding in just a jersey and bibs this time a year. I even spent half of yesterday's run with my shirt off.
All in all last weeks training was great. The pool was closed on Tuesday so I missed that swim and also decided to skip the gym that night since my upper body has been pretty tired. To make up for it I did two unscheduled runs Tues night and Wed morning. I don't know if that made the difference or not but I had a bit of a breakthrough on Sun on my run. I got out for 50min with most of it under 150 HR and managed sub 6min/km. All you runners out there please don't laugh too hard because this is a big deal for me. 2006 in Placid I went 4:13:57 9:42/mile which is 6:01/km. To already be at this pace and HR this early in the year I think I am on track to really improve on the run portion of the IM. I do have a goal time in mind for all three events but am not ready to make it public yet. Lets just leave it at I want to go faster and feel a lot better while doing it. I learned the last time around that so much can happen when spending 9-12 months preparing for a race that it is best not to look too far ahead.
My diet has been solid. Other than a couple little treats this week I didn't cheat at all. Chocolate doesn't count by the way.
I am really enjoying eating healthy. I have always been better than average but have had a habit of indulging a little too often in the sweets. This new move to avoiding refined sugar and non complex carbs seems to be having a big impact on my body composition and my overall energy levels.
My weight is still creeping down ever so slowly which is what I want and what I expect. With the addition of weight training this year I should be carrying a little more muscle mass than in the past. So instead of simply watching the scale, which can drive you nuts, I am also watching my waistline.
Time to go Ride!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Almost Consistent

I managed to get in all but two workouts last week. One swim from fatigue and an easy ride because it was too windy to go easy outside and I am not ready to move indoors yet.
I think this week I should be able to put a complete week together. In general my running is coming along quite well. I managed an extra 5min on my long run which was great. I would love to get a little bit ahead with my run mileage but not a the risk of getting injured. The long run is up to a wopping 45min now. Swimming is ok. Sort of off and on depending on the day and whether I pushed things in the gym or not. This week will be 40min in the pool for each session.
Last week I started to use the Power Tap on my rides so I will be able to start to compare whether I am gaining any fitness on the bike or not.
Nutrition is still a big focus for me this year. I was put on to a website by SQW that I have been enjoying a lot. It is now in the motivation column. There is some great stuff in there.
The long ride calls so I better get a move on.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


That about sums up how I feel this week.

This will mark the first week with all planned workouts completed if things keep going well. As a result I am starting to feel the effects. I am always amazed at how much the body can change in the period of a year.

I started to work backward from race day to plan out my taper and the build leading up to it. It seems like such a long way off with lots and lots of hard work to get there. I think my new approach is going to work out well. If it does there will be major props to Mr Allen and Mr Byrn.

Patience is going to be the key thing this year I think. I need to just swallow the desire to push hard and let the fitness come with long slow steady training. I know that it will work I just need to give it time.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Major Props to Mr Bell

Ignore the dude in the Toyota jersey with his hands in the air and check out the dude in Yellow to his left.
Thats one of Canada's new cycling sensations, Mr Zach Bell. That is a photo of him finishing second in Stage 1 of the Tour of Missouri. He also just became a three time National Champ on the Track.
To learn more about the fabulous Mr Bell check out his blog.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Iron Nuke!

My contribution to the where is nuke thing - my first attempt at a mash up.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back to Normal

It has been a few weeks since we finished up our detox. This time definitely was easier. I probably ate a few more calories this time around and I am sure that helped. We spent the weekend at a friends cottage right after finishing so we were back to caffeine and booze right away. Oh well! Everything in moderation.

To summarize the effects of the diet. Sleeping better. Not dependent on caffeine to get me going but sure do like the taste in the morning. We are using a blend of decaf and regular now. Lost a little weight. Most importantly got me thinking about what I consume as fuel.

Training is starting to come along. I am having a little trouble getting through everything I am suppose to in a week. A lot of that is due to circumstances out of my control. Holidays, travel and work topping the list.

I have had a very small breakthrough with my swimming. For the most part I haven't swum at all since IMLP 06. I have decided to swim at RMC on my own instead of joining masters swimming. In doing this I have been able to focus solely on technique and not worry about what the workout is or how fast I need to be going. In doing this I have finally figured out how to not use my shoulders to create power. My elbow is starting to come up and I am engaging my core lats and back. Now I just need to get those muscles in shape. I am not sure they have ever been used before.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Detox Round 2

Well I am half way through my second detox diet. The first one I did last March. I am using Natural Factors Seven Day Cleanse. A good friend of mine put me onto it last February while I was down in Florida helping him at a 24hr solo road race.

I have to say this second time through has been a much smoother road. I was smart this time and started to ween myself of coffee before starting the diet. I had cut my consumption down to about a cup a day from 2 to 2 1/2.

I am currently at day 4 and starting to feel much better. I am convinced that caffeine masks how tired I am on a daily basis. I am sure the lower calorie diet contributes to my fatigue as well as the release of toxins but I have been bagged the last few days. It is only this morning that I started to feel a little rested when I woke up. I am going to try to stay away from caffeine for at least another week once I am done to try and get caught up on a bit more sleep.

I thought I would layout my training template for the world to see. The weekly plan will look something like this. If you have any suggestions please feel free.

My weeks start on Sunday.

Sun - Core AM, Long Run PM
Mon - Long Ride w/ T-Run AM
Tues - Swim AM, Weights PM
Wed - Core AM, Brick PM
Thur - Swim AM
Fri - Run AM, Weights PM
Sat - Swim then Bike AM

I think this format should be workable from now till race day.

It looks like swimming should start up the middle of September so I should have the ball rolling by then.

I managed to do 150min on the bike on Sunday despite the diet. It was one of the slowest rides of my life. I am not sure I even averaged 25km/hr. I did however stick to the plan and kept it in my base zone the whole time.

Bring on the BASE!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Now it's Official

It has been a month since I waited in line for about two hours to get signed up for Lake Placid IM '08 and today I finally got around to paying my fees to make it official. Not sure why it took so long to get around to it but it is a done deal now.

I have started to get back into a bit of a training routine. A couple weeks back I laid out a basic training week that I will try and follow for the next year. The plan right now is to be able to complete the basic week minus the swimming by the time KMAC swimming starts in September. Untill then I dont have easy access to a pool and quite frankly need to just ease back into the whole swimming thing.

The clock is ticking so its time to Get 'R Done.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Pose Update

Quick little update on my run status. My experimentation with the Pose method is moving forward. My plan is to first get to the point where I can tolerate 25-30min of running with a mid foot strike and have no calf pain. Step 2 will be incorporating the drills. I havent seen any sign of the injuries I had all last year so I think this is going to be a good move. I am starting to feel a lot lighter on my feet as well. Em and I did some proprioceptive work the other day after lifting. I think that alone will make a huge difference with the support leg.
Running right now is 2-3 times per week for about 25min. I will try and up it to 3-4 times over the next couple weeks. That and the addition of weights twice weekly should be enough of a change for now.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

IMC '08 Preparation Begins

IMLP taught me a lot both physically and mentally. As a result I have decided to take a different approach to training from now on. The biggest thing that has come out of IMLP was the exposure of my physical weaknesses and imbalances. The coming year will focus on eliminating as many of them as possible. I am not talking about things like endurance, strength or muscular endurance but more specific physical limiters. An example being an inability to fire my glutes independent of other muscles. '07 is going to be about rebuilding the body to create balance and efficiency, something that will not only aid in my preparation for IM but also help ensure a healthy life. Without taking a step back and doing this I am never going to reach my potential as an athlete. I realise this is going to take an incredible patience and time as things like this don't change overnight. I had my first lesson with a friend who is a physio the other day and was amazed at how hard it was to get my glute to fire and nothing else. My initial homework was to work on getting only my glute to fire while lying on my side and then to get only my lower abdominal muscles to work while lying on my back. After a couple sessions at home I am astounded at how weak these muscles are.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Grip

Wow what a weekend!

Em and I just spent the weekend in the Nations Capital listening and learning from the "The Grip". To those who haven't followed Ironman triathlon the person I am referring to is Mark Allen. This guys race palmeres is unbelievable. In 10 starts at the Nice Triathlon he went 10 for 10. In six starts over seven years he was crowned World Champion in Hawaii. His record of 8:07:45 from 1993 still stands today, despite the advancement in training and bike technology. He also still holds the marathon record at Hawaii with a time of 2:40:04 set in 1989. He was asked about this at the camp and said that he thought it was most likely due to the fact that the guys these days all specialize in Ironman distance races and do not give shorter stuff a 100% effort. In the period of time when Allen was racing he said that they raced a variety of distances throughout the year with the intention of winning them. It will be interesting to see how long these records stand.
Camp summary. We missed the meet and greet on Friday night due to obligations at work so our weekend started on Saturday morning in the pool. Nothing new here but my key points to remember are:
-swim from the hips
-loose hands
-hand entry should be half way between head and outstretched arm
-no bubbles on hand
After the pool we grabbed a quick coffee and headed over to the Louis Riel Dome. This is an awesome facility and it once again made me realize how lacking we are here for any public facilities other than Hockey Rinks. Mark began his lecture talking a bit about himself and general training practices. He also brought up the idea that what is tested in the Lab does not alway equal what happens in "The Real World".
The next subject was titled "Training Beyond the Lab". The main element of this discussion was around stress and its impact on the body. Essentially there are two kinds of stress, manageable which is called The Training Effect adn Unmanageable which causes overtraining, reduced performance, injury and illness. Stress is not limited to what occurs in training but also to other factors in life suck as work and family. In a discussion about good vs bad stress Mark brought spoke about DHEA release and Cortisol release. This is something I haven't come across yet. I am going to do some more reading on this subject.
Invisible training barriers was the next subject. Mark over the years has identified several different time barriers over which there seems to be a greater training effect. 20min, 50min, 1hour20min, 3hours, 6hours and 9hours. In hind sight at IMLP I experinced and was aware of these barriers on the bike both times around the out and back on the bike.
Nutrition was up next. The focus here was on race day. In summary train as you plan to race. Glucose and maltodextrin in a drink are the best combination. During high stress activity enzymes are lacking in the stomach to break down complex carbs.
Setting up a training program seems so much less daunting after this weekend. Mark placed the emphasis on simplicity. Essentially you have two types of training, Base and Speed. These are controlled by whether you are above or below your aerobic max heart rate. Mark also explained the roll of weight training and how important it was especially as we age.
Day One also included some talk about setting up your year and the different training phases. This lead into a talk on nutrition.
Somewhere during the day we also did a run session on the 400m indoor track at the Dome. The main component here was mid foot strike. It was interesting to watch the other members of the group and see or more better put hear a difference in their stride with such a small time spent working on their stride. The run component ended with Mark going over some stretching.
Saturday ended with a talk by Mark that was open to the public, with the proceeds going to a local Ottawa charity. All I can say here is that if you get a chance to here him speak go for it.

I think I am going to stop here for now and finish this later tonight or tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Goal #1 Peterborough 1/2 Iron under 5hours

I have been needing something to get me going. I have been more regular with the training but work has been busy and I keep putting off getting into the routine of a full week of training.

Lately I have been fitting in two spin classes at the store and two to three runs. The runs are slowly getting longer. I am up to 25min now, but have some discomfort in my calves so will have to hold things here and wait a bit.

Core and stability is going better. I guess this will be Goal #2. The plan is to do 6 sessions a week but not always the same thing. Right now I am just over 50% there. Better than expected.

Goal #3 is going to do with body weight and composition but I haven't figured out how to approach it yet. Not really big on the idea of just weighing in every morning. Will have to think about this one a bit.

As I start to get closer to accomplishing these I may add a few more short term lifestyle goals.

One of which will be sleeping more. I say this as I sit here at 11:30pm when I should be in bed. Hopefully swimming will help turn that around a bit as it starts at 6am sharp.

Stay focused on the path ahead!

Monday, January 15, 2007


We all set goals throughout our lives but seldom achieve them. We make New Years resolutions that fade quickly away. We dream of high levels of athletic or personal achievement but never get there. I have read many times that the only way to achieve the goals you set out for yourself is to write them down. Post them all over the place, on your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your clock radio make sure they are at the forefront of everything you do.

There are a couple other key elements that we need to keep in mind in order to make sure our goals are realized. We need to make sure they are specific and measurable. Otherwise how do we know whether we have gotten to where we are heading.

Our goals also need to be realistic. It is unrealistic at the age of 32 to decided you are going to be a profesional athlete in sport such as hockey.

Our goals also need to be attainable in the time frame we set out. For larger long term goals we need to set smaller intermediate goals along the way to help guide our journey.

Goals can be a part of all aspects of our lives. They can be athletic goals our financial goals we can even have goals for our relationships. They are a road map to a successfull and happy life.

For me 2007 is going to be the year of the written goal how about you do the same.